Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Saulat Jabeen

Dreamed to  improve the status of working women of his area , with this theme she got  master degree  in sociology , AllahTabarikTala help her and provide wide area to implement of  her ideas  , in 1990 she got job of social welfare officer where she implemented what she was dreaming.
Sault  Jabeen established DAR UL  AMAN , roof for unsaved women, what and where she will get livelihood so she established  SANAT ZAR, where the women worked under good supervision educate herself learn techniques and get good income , now these women are taking care of their dependant.
No doubt government support and encouraged her services by offering gold medal .
With the thanks of such appreciation she continue her efforts  later on she worked in rural development programmer, educate women how to improve the home, help her husband and take care for family and later on work as advisor for her area.

Monday, February 27, 2012


1 : Hand  embroidery 

2 : Machine embroidered

3 : Embroidered fabrics

4 : Hand embroidered Caftans, Kurtis + jalabias

5 : Hand embroidered casual  dresses

6 : Hand embroidered party dresses.

7 : Hand embroidered Wedding dresses.

8 : Bed room set

9 : Koshan

10: Napiken

Friday, February 24, 2012



Dremed to  improve the status of working women of  her area , with this theme she got  master degree  in socialogy , Allah tabarik tala help her and provide wide area to implement of  her ideas  , in 1990 she got job of social welfare officer where she implmented what she was dreaming.

Sault jabeen established DAR UL  AMAN , roof for unsafed women, what and where she will get livilhood so she established  SANAT ZAR, where the women worked under good supervision educate herself learn techniques and get good income , now these women are taking care of their depandand.
No doubt government support and encourged her services by offering gold medal .

With the thanks of such apperciation she continue her efforts  later on she worked in rural development programme, educate women how to improve the home, help her husband and take care for family and later on work as advisor for her area.

Saulat jabeen retaired in 2007 as district officer, but not sitting at home again working to help poor women by established  boutique business where  the young girls getting the training and also prepare hi fashion dresses to cover the cost and keep themselves busy with out burden to any one 

Saulat Boutique

Saulat Boutique

Saulat Jabeen is one of the most outstanding fashion designers, who has got all the guts to play with the colors and designs artistically. Like other Fashion designers, Saulat is trying to run fast on the road of success. Saulat is enormously introducing unique and exciting outfits in the Fashion industry.
Her label ‘Saulat Boutiquel’ is a reputed brand in Pakistan and is also being recognized globally. Saulat Boutiquel’ signature designs are impeccably exquisite and versatile.
Known for exclusive women’s wear her studio is in Multan, where she works by appointments and can customize clothes to your liking. Her sample pieces, which are already embroidered, can be tailored as per your style, size and design within 2 weeks.She is currently dedicated to designing clothes for the style-conscious women around the globe.